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Sharon Tiger Bands - Sharon Herald Front Page - Nov. 1, 2008
The Herald has posted a slideshow of photos from the Halloween performance! Check it out at:

7-12 Concert Band Dress Rehearsals
The Middle and High School Concert Bands will be having dress rehearsals for the winter concert on Tuesday, Nov. 25 and Wednesday, Dec. 3 from 6-8pm. Attendance is mandatory.
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The 70 member Sharon Tiger Marching Pride consists of students in grades 9-12 at Sharon High School, including selected 8th-graders. The band performs at all varsity football games, local parades, ceremonies, and band shows. The band has also performed at the Annual Apple Blossom Festival Parade in Winchester, Virginia, and Kennywood Park"s Fall Fantasy Parade series, in Pittsburgh, PA.Among the many great traditions of the Marching Pride is its leadership council. This organization consists of outstanding student leaders. The leadership council is vital to the successful operation of the band. The overall grade point average of band members is significantly above average, and they are almost always the students who excel in their classwork. The “Marching Pride” helps students develop a work ethic that carries over into their studies and, ultimately, their chosen professions.Every student in the band program at Sharon High School participates in the “Marching Pride”. Rehearsals are scheduled once a week for two hours each. The band also conducts a band camp for two weeks in August.
The Sharon High School Jazz Ensemble is open to all band students in grades 8-12. Jazz Ensemble is a performance-based group that performs at the spring concerts, in addition to local and regional jazz festivals. Students are exposed to a wide variety of repertoire including swing, funk, pop, and ballads. Students also have the opportunity to develop a knowledge of jazz history and jazz theory. The ensemble begins to meet after marching band season is over, and rehearses approximately 4 hours per week.
The Sharon High School Pep Band is open to all band students in grades 8-12. The band performs at all 10 boys" basketball games played at Sharon, and select girls" basketball games. Music is selected from the marching and jazz band libraries, and includes some of the students" favorite songs from past years.
The Pep Band also has opportunities to perform in the community as well. The band has appeared on Youngstown"s WFMJ-Today, and WPIC radio.
Our Goal: Music for the Masses! We want to get a musical instrument into the hands of every student who wants one. We especially need flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, violins, violas and cellos.
How you can help: Donate new or used instruments and/or money to help fund the purchase of new instruments. Checks should be made out to the Sharon City School District.
Contact: Donations may be dropped off at Sharon High School, Case Avenue, Musser or West Hill attn: Jennifer Shaffer. For additional information please contact via e-mail:
The Sharon City School District"s Elementary Band Program includes students in grades 4-6 at Case Avenue, Musser, and West Hill Elementary Schools. Students wishing to join the band in 4th or 5th grade may sign-up in the spring and fall of each year. Each student will have at least one group lesson per week, where they will have the opportunity to play with students who also play similar instruments. Second-year students in 5th grade, and 6th grade students will play at least two concerts per year - a winter holiday concert, and a spring concert. These students will make up the 5th and 6th Grade Band. Please follow the links below for more specific information.
How do we get an instrument?
Obtaining an InstrumentInstruments can be purchased or rented from Marks or Kings music stores. Please DO NOT purchase an instrument from Wal-Mart or other similar stores. Their instruments are of poor quality, and music stores will refuse to repair them. Please only rent or purchase instruments from a qualified music store. Most music stores also have quality used instruments available for a reasonable price.Sharon City School District has a limited number of instruments for student use. These instruments are on a "first come, first served" basis. The school owns instruments such as Trombone, Baritone, French Horn, and Tuba. Trumpets are available in very limited numbers. The school does not have Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, or Percussion for loan, except in very rare circumstances. Any student borrowing a school-owned instrument will be required to file a "loan agreement" with the Director of Bands. Please see the Sharon City School District"s Policy No. 708regarding the use of school owned equipment. The first students who have returned the loan agreement and own a class lesson book will have first pick of school-owned instruments. If you can afford to rent or buy an instrument, please do so, so that those families that are less fortunate will be able to use a school instrument.
A note about Percussion or "Drums." All students interested in playing percussion will be required to rent or purchase a "bell kit." These kits include a snare drum and a set of bells as well. All beginning percussion students will learn both mallets (bells) and drums. See your local music store for details on this equipment.
When are lessons?
Elementary LessonsElementary Band Lessons usually begin within the first 3 weeks of school. Students will be expected to have an instrument and book by the first lesson. Students will meet once a week in a small group with other students who play like instruments.
How much should my child practice?
After several months of playing an instrument, practice time should gradually increase to 25-30 minutes daily. Students will be asked to keep track of their practice time inside the front cover of their books. This also needs to be initialed or signed by a parent or guardian. Filling in the practice chart is regarded as the most serious responsibility of the student, whether beginning or advanced band member.
Students are very strongly encouraged to take private lessons. Private lessons give each student the opportunity to study one-on-one each week with an expert musician on their instrument. This instruction time is extremely helpful to students at all levels, beginner or advanced. Please contact the Director of Bands for recommendations, or more information.
Favorable Practice Conditions
As a young person advances in his music study, and is presented with increasingly difficult problems in thinking and playing music, the regularity of his preparation becomes more and more important. Regularity and quality can be promoted if parents will assume the responsibility for seeing that favorable practice conditions are assured.
What expenses are involved?
ExpensesStudents will be required to purchase their class method book (approximately one each year). Students will need to have Standard of Excellence, Book 1 before their first class lesson. Students will also be expected to arrive at their fist lesson with an instrument. (See "Obtaining an Instrument.") Most large instruments are owned by the school, and will be provided for students to use. Other instruments can be rented or purchased from Marks Music in Hermitage, or Kings Music in Sharon. Please do not purchase instruments from other stores such as Wal-Mart, etc. These instruments are of poor quality, and most music stores will not repair them. Only purchase instruments from a qualified music store. Other expenses include reeds (for woodwinds), oil, cork grease, drum sticks, mouthpieces, brushes, cleaning supplies, etc.
What are my responsibilities?
The Musical Partnership
Music study is a three-way partnership composed of teacher, student, and parent. Each member of the partnership has a responsibility. All parents need to be active members of the musical partnership.
Parents" Responsibilities
Have patience, in repeatedly reminding the student to do his daily practice on his instrument, and, in doing this, be kind, but firm. Have encouragement, when the going gets tough. Have imagination, in creating a musical atmosphere in the home by tuning in interesting musical programs on radio and TV. Have common sense, in avoiding undue stress on musical work. Trying for a balanced schedule of interest into which music practice fits as a natural and compensating element will pay big musical dividends.
Parental Help
Remind your child to practice new work first. When wrong notes and hesitations keep recurring, suggest the following: Practice in short sections, a few measures at a time; Practice more slowly; Check carefully the written notes; Above all allow your child to practice.
What are my child"s responsibilities?
Students" ResponsibilitiesStudents" ResponsibilitiesStudents must maintain satisfactory grades in their regular class work. Students must always remember to bring a pencil, an instrument and music on the day of their lesson. Students must take good care of their instruments to avoid costly repairs. Students must make regular practice a habit. Practice logs must be kept up to date and signed by the parent or guardian for each weekly lesson.
What if my instrument needs to be repaired?
RepairsMinor repairs are made by the Director of Bands (loose keys and pads, stuck mouthpieces, etc.) Major repairs are taken care of by the music store. Please, no home repairs! All damage to school instruments while in possession of a student are the responsibility of the student, not the school. Each student plays and handles only his own instrument.